Your safeguard during the holiday season
We are fast approaching the holiday season. In some ways it is hard to believe that 2018 is already coming to an end. The holiday season brings with it time to enjoy special moments with family and friends. Sometimes this means time at home and other times this means an opportunity to travel. If you’re lucky enough to be travelling this holiday season you will want to consider how you will safeguard yourself while you’re travelling.
One of these safeguard measures is of course Travel Insurance. We recently introduced you to a new Travel Insurance provider, TravelCard, who are revolutionising the travel insurance market in Australia with “real time” claims through the use of MasterCard travel cards.
TravelCard have provided some real life examples of not only the importance of travel insurance, but also highlighting their efficient and innovative way they finalise claims.
Example 1: No Luggage in Croatia
The client arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia, but on arrival was told her luggage would not be arriving for another 24 hours. The client needed to purchase some essentials items including clothing and other personal items.
A phone call to TravelCard with the airline report information meant the claim could be lodged on the spot and by the end of the call the client’s TravelCard was topped up with $150USD.
Example 2: Chest Pains in Las Vegas
The client was in Las Vegas and started suffering from chest pain and heart palpitations. He urgently required an emergency room visit but unfortunately did not have the funds available at such short notice to pay the $3,000USD hospital deposit.
A quick phone call to TravelCard with the client advising of the situation allowed the client to lodge the claim. TravelCard loaded $3,000USD on to the client’s travel card allowing the client to pay the required deposit allowing to access the medical attention required. TravelCard continued to liaise with the client and the hospital to ensure appropriate medical care was provided. The client was discharged after an overnight stay and various tests. The entire claim (and medical account) was settled using the TravelCard travel card. The claim process involved a phone call – no claim form required – and no out of pocket expenses.
Example 3: Sickness in Greece
The client had TravelCard travel insurance during his trip to Greece. He was less than one week into his trip where he fell seriously ill and required hospitalisation on a remote island of Greece.
As the remote island hospital was not equipped to treat his complex and serious condition. TravelCard organised an air ambulance to take the client to a private hospital in Athens. The client had a lengthy stay in ICU in Athens and then required medical evacuation to Australia. TravelCard organised this complex evacuation including air ambulance and doctor escorts. The Head of Customer Contact with TravelCard also flew to the hospital in Australia where the client was evacuated in order to meet with the client and offer additional support. The claim totalled around $150,000.
Example 4: A Heart Attack Prior to Departure
A trip to Europe was organised and paid for. TravelCard travel insurance was organised by the client. A few days before departure the client’s husband unfortunately suffered a heart attack. The trip required rescheduling as a result.
TravelCard were advised of the medical condition of the client on the same day and assured the client that she was covered and to simply advise further once additional costs were known. When the costs of the rescheduling the trip were known and advised to TravelCard the claim was approved in less than 12 hours – with no claim form or medical certificate required.